When it comes to calcium supplementation, many people have their own experience, but if they really want to make calcium supplementation really effective, they really can’t complete the arduous task of calcium supplementation by this easy-to-use method, and they need to know a little deeper knowledge.

To complete the task of calcium supplement, there are two tasks to be completed, one is diet, the other is exercise. At the level of diet, we need to look for foods rich in calcium, such as common milk (milk, yoghurt, cheese), bean products (bean curd with brine or gypsum, various tofu), green leafy vegetables (rape, cabbage, amaranth, etc.), sesame paste, and seafood (shrimp skin, sea rice, dried fish) are rich in calcium. Although so many foods are rich in calcium, not every kind of food is suitable for the regular army of daily calcium supplement. First of all, let’s talk about bean products. The bean products mentioned above refer to bean curd in brine and gypsum. This is because brine and gypsum will introduce rich calcium. However, there are many bean curd in non brine gypsum points on the market, such as glucolactone bean curd. Although it tastes smooth and delicious, it contains too much less calcium. Among all kinds of green leafed vegetables, although rape, cabbage and amaranth are the varieties with high calcium content in the vegetable family, they also contain some oxalic acid, so if they are not processed properly, their calcium supplement effect is often not as good as expected. Even so, we also recommend eating more vegetables every day. After all, according to the recommended amount in the dietary guidelines, the total intake of 500g vegetables per day is still very large.

As for sesame paste, sesame paste is ground with sesame. A spoon of sesame paste can bring us 200mg of calcium. However, there is no denying that the fat content of sesame paste is relatively high. If people with normal body indicators, they can strengthen calcium supplement by eating sesame paste. However, the sesame paste on the market is rarely pure. Generally, peanut butter is added or hydrogenated oil is added for the convenience of application, which must be distinguished. The calcium supplement effect of seafood is also good. The common products on the market are shrimp skin, dried shrimp and dried fish. You will find that these are all air dried and dehydrated products. The calcium content of 100g dried goods after dehydration is not low. It should be noted that when cooking and processing these foods, do not put too much salt. Finally, dairy products, including milk and yogurt or cheese. If a person is not lactose intolerant, calcium can be supplemented by drinking milk. If there is lactose intolerant, yogurt can be used instead of pure milk. Cheese, on the other hand, is concentrated milk with high calcium content. Milk is the most easily ingested calcium containing food, and the calcium content is not low. Take 300g milk every day, you can get at least 300mg-360mg calcium. Dairy products are convenient to drink and drink every day. Therefore, on the issue of calcium supplement, we more recommend daily intake of dairy products to supplement calcium.