With people’s increasingly strong demand for health, many health products also appear in front of us. Because most people don’t know much about these health food, there are many behaviors we call “health fraud”. Many people eat a variety of useful and useless health food intentionally and unconsciously.

The daily oral intake can be divided into drug, food and health food in the FDA standard. The first thing we need to understand is that health food is essentially a kind of food, not a drug. Since health food belongs to food, its function should be similar to that of food. For example, health food in foreign countries is called “nutritional supplement”. As the name implies, it is to supplement the deficiency of nutrients in daily diet. Of course, in addition to the significance of “nutrition supplement”, there are also some concepts of health food, such as enhancing physical fitness. In any case, health food is essentially the property of food, and does not treat diseases.

The main positioning of health food, that is, nutritional supplements, is to supplement nutrients. There are many products related to nutritional supplements on the market at present. We can divide them into two categories: basic nutritional supplements and emerging nutritional supplements. Basic nutritional supplements mainly include the accumulation of basic nutrients, such as various kinds of protein powder, dietary fiber powder, calcium, iron, zinc and other minerals, vitamin family, etc. New nutritional supplements are mainly plant chemicals extracted from some plants, such as capsaicin, allicin, soybean isoflavone, Ginkgo biloba extract, etc.

How to treat basic and emerging nutritional supplements?

We value the role and value of basic nutritional supplements more highly, because the nutrients in basic nutritional supplements are the kinds of nutrients needed by the human body. If a person’s daily diet is deficient, or after the detection of the body’s nutritional status, he or she finds that there is a lack of a certain basic nutrient, then he or she can choose to supplement the lack of a certain or several nutrients through nutritional supplements .After this supplement, combined with the daily diet, the nutritional status of the body will often be significantly improved.

However, for the new nutritional supplements, most of them are obtained by using modern technology to extract the active substances in food, which are not necessary nutrients for human body. However, due to some research findings, some new nutritional supplements have the effect of improving or improving the body function, so they are gradually valued by people. However, at present, most of these new studies exist at the level of animal experiments, and few of them have been heard to get good feedback in human experiments. Therefore, strictly speaking, the health benefits of these emerging nutritional supplements are not very exact.

What are the regular nutritional supplements?

Because everyone has different eating habits, lifestyle and nutritional health status, everyone has their own nutrition supplement plan. But for Chinese people, there are also some common problems of nutritional deficiency, which is mainly related to our national diet culture. For example, Chinese people are easy to lack calcium, women are easy to lack iron, and the diet is easy to lack B vitamins. Therefore, we suggest that you can always have some calcium supplements, iron supplements and B vitamin supplements at home.

In general, we suggest that you supplement the nutritional deficiency through food. However, the dietary habits can not be changed overnight. Therefore, some nutrients that are easy to be deficient can be replaced by supplements when they come, while improving the diet structure. But we don’t mind using a large variety of supplements instead of food.