At present, many women in order to have a good figure, do not like to eat that, all kinds of choices, the diet structure is very unreasonable, resulting in a serious lack of calcium and iron.

Calcium is very important for women, especially for pregnant mothers. Because in the process of giving birth to a child, all the calcium needed by the child needs to be obtained by the mother. The calcium needed by both the mother and the child is a very heavy burden for the mother. If the mother’s calcium deficiency is very serious, it is not only bad for her health, but also very irresponsible for the new life.

To change this situation, pregnant women must insist on drinking milk. It is recommended to drink about 500ml-800ml every day. If lactose is not tolerated, you can drink yogurt. At the same time, with bone mineral density examination, if it is serious, calcium supplement is needed. This is the most reliable method of calcium supplement, which is suitable for normal people and pregnant women.

The second is iron deficiency. Although everyone knows iron deficiency anemia, iron deficiency anemia is not solved. The incidence rate of iron deficiency anemia in Chinese women of childbearing age is quite high.

If a woman has iron deficiency anemia before she is pregnant, and no measures have been taken during pregnancy, it is clear that the anemia situation will increase.

Why don’t many women pay attention to anemia? It’s the same with calcium deficiency. When there’s a slight lack of calcium, there’s basically no feeling. Only when we check the body can we find that the index drops. Because there’s no feeling, most people will only pay attention to it in a short period of time, and then forget about it.

We suggest that if iron deficiency anemia is found before pregnancy, whether mild or moderate, oral iron should be started. You can choose ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, polysaccharide iron complex, dextran iron and so on.

At the same time of choosing iron, in order to better absorption and utilization, it is suggested that pregnant mothers eat more VC rich food at the same time to promote the absorption of iron. Iron containing food also needs to be eaten at the same time, such as lean meat of livestock, blood products and so on. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as various vegetables and fruits.

a mother’s responsibility is great and her health is very important.