From the beginning of infants’ contact with the world, they are constantly facing various challenges, and their immune system is growing and maturing in the process. When a baby gets sick, her mother will be more sad than her baby. Those children who often get sick are really heartbreaking. So the question comes: why do some babies get sick easily, while others are “skin and solid”? The key to eliminate the differences in baby rearing technology is the difference in baby immunity. What are some ways to improve your baby’s immunity?


For infants within 6 months, breast milk is the most nutritious natural food for exclusive customization. It not only contains a full range of nutrients with sufficient quantity and appropriate proportion, but also contains a variety of immune active substances, including immunoglobulin, lactoferrin, lysozyme, etc., which can help babies resist foreign invasion. Colostrum has a higher content of immune active ingredients. It’s the first gift that a mother gives to a baby who’s just coming here, clearing up all the “enemies” she’s eager to try.

For mothers, breast-feeding is economical, safe and convenient, which helps to enhance the feelings of mothers and children, promote physical recovery, and is the best way to lose weight after childbirth. Why not? Of course, a reasonable diet is the prerequisite for the production of nutrition balanced milk.

After months of age, the baby began to add complementary food, but at this time breast-feeding should continue, preferably to 2 years old. In the case of no breastfeeding, formula should be used instead of direct feeding of milk or ordinary milk powder.

2、Food diversity and reasonable collocation

As babies grow up, the task of providing nutrition for them is gradually changing from breast milk to various foods. At this point, we need to pay special attention to the balanced intake of various nutrients. Adequate and balanced nutrition is the material basis for the sound development of the baby’s immune system. Nutrition in early life not only directly affects the physical and intellectual development of childhood, but also affects the physical quality and health status of adults.

The growth and development of infants and children are vigorous, and the demand for nutrients is large. Once there is a lack of nutrients, it is likely to affect the health of the whole life. The nutrients closely related to immune function are protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, zinc and selenium.

The development of any system and organ is inseparable from protein, the immune system is no exception, and many immune active components are protein structure, so adequate protein intake is an important basis for improving baby’s immunity.

Vitamin A, known as anti infective vitamin, can maintain the integrity of baby’s skin, respiratory tract and digestive tract mucosa epithelium, and enhance the activity of immune cells, so as to improve the body’s immunity.

Milk, lean meat and seafood are rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, animal liver is rich in vitamins and minerals, and dark vegetables such as carrots and fresh fruits are rich in nutrients such as vitamin C and minerals.

3、Outdoor activities, vaccination

Outdoor activities – sunlight can promote vitamin D synthesis, help the absorption of calcium in food, thus promoting bone development. Appropriate outdoor activities can also help to strengthen the body and improve immunity. When the weather is fine and the sun is full, don’t forget to take the children out for activities.

Vaccination – vaccination is a good way to promote the baby’s acquired immunity. By vaccination, the baby’s immune system can be stimulated to produce corresponding antibodies, which can be successfully resisted in case of invasion of these microorganisms. Therefore, it is very important to vaccinate the baby scientifically.

Replenish water – improve your baby’s immunity, and let him drink more water to meet the needs of the body’s metabolism. Boiled water is the best drink.

Eating behavior – healthy eating behavior is an important guarantee of nutrition balance. Cultivate children’s healthy behavior of not choosing food and often eating fruits and vegetables.

Rational treatment – do not give antibiotics to children for a lifetime, which is not only harmful to the development and maturity of the immune system, but also easy to damage the immune function.

The so-called “teach people to fish rather than teach people to fish”, we can not give full protection in the growth of the baby’s life, but the baby’s own immunity can. Building a solid immune fortress for a baby at the beginning of his life is like giving him a lifetime of armor to protect his healthy growth.