Anemia is a common clinical symptom that the volume of human peripheral blood red blood cells is decreased and lower than the lower limit of normal range. There are many types and causes of anemia. The common anemia in the general population is iron deficiency anemia caused by iron deficiency, which is the main nutritional deficiency disease in China. To anaemia that causes by iron deficiency, what to eat to fill fastest?

1、Increase iron rich food intaking

Animal food, such as pig liver, lean meat, animal blood, is not only rich in iron, but also good for absorption and utilization. Therefore, increasing the intake of animal food is the most direct way to prevent iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia. Note: the increase of animal food will cause the problem of excessive energy, protein and lipid. Therefore, it must be appropriate.

2、Iron fortified food

Iron fortified food is also an effective measure to improve iron status, such as iron fortified soy sauce, iron fortified flour and so on. People who are prone to iron deficiency, such as pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, the elderly, patients with digestive tract diseases, etc., can choose iron fortified food or take iron.

3、Oral iron supplements

It is mainly used to treat serious iron deficiency and when the daily diet is unable to supplement enough iron. Ferrous preparation should be used for oral iron supplement, 4-6mg / kg of iron per day, and taken in two or three times between meals, with a total course of 2-3 months. After hemoglobin returned to normal, continue to take 1-2 months to increase iron storage. Note: take the iron under the guidance of the doctor to avoid excessive, which will cause obvious damage to cell components.

4、Promote the absorption and utilization of iron

Often eat fresh fruits and vegetables, which is rich in vitamin C can promote the digestion and absorption of dietary iron.

5、Reduce foods that affect iron absorption

Oxalate and phytate in food will affect the absorption of iron, tannin in tea, polyphenols in coffee and cocoa will also affect the absorption of iron, so it is necessary to avoid eating the above food at the same time with food rich in iron.