Pregnant women often encounter such or such dietary problems. However, what should be paid attention to during pregnancy preparation? In fact, too heavy or too light weight will affect the level of hormone secretion in the human body, thus affecting pregnancy. And lead to overweight or underweight, mostly because of the imbalance of nutrition or lack of exercise. Generally speaking, the BMI of women is in the normal range of 19.8-26, while the weight gain of pregnant women in the whole pregnancy period is better controlled at 7-12.5kg, which is adjusted according to the weight of pregnant women before pregnancy, and it is better not to exceed this range. Therefore, if the weight of pregnant women is not within the recommended range, they should actively adjust, strive to achieve the most healthy state, and give the baby a high-quality growth space. How to eat during pregnancy? How to eat well? It plays a decisive role in the baby’s production and growth after birth, so how to eat well?

It is the most important to ensure a normal three meals a day. Don’t eat too much food because of pregnancy preparation, otherwise you may gain weight too fast, which may lead to the weight of the fetus may also be overweight. Don’t deliberately diet because you are afraid of being fat. For mothers with correct diet, it’s just around the corner to recover their body materials.


Breakfast is best to eat around 7-8 o’clock. Choose grains, bean products, milk, eggs, meat, vegetables, fruits and other foods. When choosing ingredients, pay attention to the combination of food thickness, meat and vegetable, and dry and thin. The nutrition intake in the morning should be the most comprehensive. For some foods that are not easy to digest or have high calories, they can be eaten at breakfast.


Lunch is the meal with the most calories in the whole day. You can eat around 12 o’clock. You can choose meat, fish, eggs and bean products with high protein content. You also need to eat more than three kinds of vegetables and fruits to ensure adequate vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Many mothers can only eat out during working hours. It’s better to choose more kinds of ingredients, not too greasy food.


And dinner is relatively simple, light, eating at 6-7, not more than 8 at the latest. The main food for dinner should be reduced appropriately. You can eat a small amount of fish and more than two kinds of vegetables. However, it is suggested that dessert and fried food should not be eaten at night.

Other nutrients are indispensable

Folic acid: it’s necessary to take folic acid 3 months in advance, which can effectively prevent neural tube malformation of the fetus. If it’s not enough, it’s OK to supplement folic acid until 3 months before pregnancy.

Microelements: iron supplement to prevent anemia; iodine supplement to prevent dementia; zinc supplement to prevent deformity; if there is a lack of these elements, it can be supplemented appropriately.

Rejection: during pregnancy preparation, it’s best to reject alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and especially spicy food, minimize eating out, and adjust the internal environment.

Moderate exercise: 30 minutes a day, at least 5 times a week, the heart rate of each exercise is 1.5 times as usual; moderate exercise may stimulate the normal secretion of hormones in the body.

Relaxed mood: mental state will also affect the ovulation of the ovary, should be full of spirit and comfortable mood to prepare for pregnancy.