Protein. Get the Facts.

When you hear the word protein, is the first image that pops to mind a piece of steak or chicken? Are you wondering how much protein you need each day, or are you an older adult wondering if protein needs change as you age? Well… read on to get answers to these questions and learn more about this mighty nutrient. What’s so important about protein? Protein is an essential nutrient that helps with things like: muscle growth and repair and keeping your skin and nails strong and healthy. Foods high in protein are called protein-rich foods. Including protein-rich foods as part of...
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How Much Protein do Teens Need?

How Much Protein do Teens Need?

Teens have a lot on the go. Eating well can give them the energy they need to perform their best, whether it’s in the classroom or on the sports field. No matter what activities your teen enjoys, well balanced meals and snacks, with enough protein, will help keep their energy levels up throughout the day. Why is protein important for teens? Protein is a hard working nutrient. It’s needed for the growth and repair of muscles and tissues, and the production of enzymes and hormones. These are especially important for teens as they experience rapid changes in development. But…in order for protein...
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Getting pregnant! How to eat three meals a day to be healthy and nutritious?

Getting pregnant! How to eat three meals a day to be healthy and nutritious?

Pregnant women often encounter such or such dietary problems. However, what should be paid attention to during pregnancy preparation? In fact, too heavy or too light weight will affect the level of hormone secretion in the human body, thus affecting pregnancy. And lead to overweight or underweight, mostly because of the imbalance of nutrition or lack of exercise. Generally speaking, the BMI of women is in the normal range of 19.8-26, while the weight gain of pregnant women in the whole pregnancy period is better controlled at 7-12.5kg, which is adjusted according to the weight of pregnant women before pregnancy,...
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