What does anaemia eat? Don’t miss this.

What does anaemia eat? Don’t miss this.

Anemia is a common clinical symptom that the volume of human peripheral blood red blood cells is decreased and lower than the lower limit of normal range. There are many types and causes of anemia. The common anemia in the general population is iron deficiency anemia caused by iron deficiency, which is the main nutritional deficiency disease in China. To anaemia that causes by iron deficiency, what to eat to fill fastest? 1、Increase iron rich food intaking Animal food, such as pig liver, lean meat, animal blood, is not only rich in iron, but also good for absorption and utilization. Therefore, increasing...
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Do you know which foods are the most calcium supplements?

Do you know which foods are the most calcium supplements?

When it comes to calcium supplementation, many people have their own experience, but if they really want to make calcium supplementation really effective, they really can't complete the arduous task of calcium supplementation by this easy-to-use method, and they need to know a little deeper knowledge. To complete the task of calcium supplement, there are two tasks to be completed, one is diet, the other is exercise. At the level of diet, we need to look for foods rich in calcium, such as common milk (milk, yoghurt, cheese), bean products (bean curd with brine or gypsum, various tofu), green leafy vegetables...
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How can you make up for the microelements you lack?

How can you make up for the microelements you lack?

With people's increasingly strong demand for health, many health products also appear in front of us. Because most people don't know much about these health food, there are many behaviors we call "health fraud". Many people eat a variety of useful and useless health food intentionally and unconsciously. The daily oral intake can be divided into drug, food and health food in the FDA standard. The first thing we need to understand is that health food is essentially a kind of food, not a drug. Since health food belongs to food, its function should be similar to that of food. For...
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