How to solve the problem of calcium and iron deficiency in pregnancy?

How to solve the problem of calcium and iron deficiency in pregnancy?

At present, many women in order to have a good figure, do not like to eat that, all kinds of choices, the diet structure is very unreasonable, resulting in a serious lack of calcium and iron. Calcium is very important for women, especially for pregnant mothers. Because in the process of giving birth to a child, all the calcium needed by the child needs to be obtained by the mother. The calcium needed by both the mother and the child is a very heavy burden for the mother. If the mother's calcium deficiency is very serious, it is not only bad...
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Why eat fresh fruits and vegetables to be able to fight tumor, strong immunity?

Why eat fresh fruits and vegetables to be able to fight tumor, strong immunity?

In popular science articles, it is often mentioned that eating foods rich in carotenoids is good for your health. So, what exactly is carotenoid? What's the good for human body? Carotenoid is a kind of yellow, orange or red fat soluble pigment widely existing in microorganisms, plants, animals and human body. It mainly exists in fresh fruits and vegetables in plants, and has many biological functions such as anti-oxidation, anti-tumor, immune enhancement and visual protection. There are two types of carotenoids: carotenoids and luteins. The main carotenoids are α - carotene, β - carotene, γ - carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, β -...
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Improve your baby’s resistance and do it! Did moms do it right?

Improve your baby’s resistance and do it! Did moms do it right?

From the beginning of infants' contact with the world, they are constantly facing various challenges, and their immune system is growing and maturing in the process. When a baby gets sick, her mother will be more sad than her baby. Those children who often get sick are really heartbreaking. So the question comes: why do some babies get sick easily, while others are "skin and solid"? The key to eliminate the differences in baby rearing technology is the difference in baby immunity. What are some ways to improve your baby's immunity? 1、Breast-feeding For infants within 6 months, breast milk is the most...
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